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We stand together now for a better future

We stand together now for a better future. We support the fight against COVID-19.

VASILE DRAGAN, the founder of Moldretail Group S.R.L. – LINELLA store chain:We are all going through a difficult period that we can only go through together, showing solidarity and empathy for those around us. We, as a retailer, play an important role and have a great responsibility, therefore, the store staff make daily efforts for each customer to do the shopping in a safe way, given the current conditions.
Safety is the most important thing and we act according to a plan of measures that we have already put into application. We want to support the community as much as possible and during this period we have come up with several initiatives to support both the healthcare system and help vulnerable people, who face severe financial difficulties and are struggling to cope with this stressful time”.

Over the years, LINELLA has stood out for its social contribution, which is one of the directions incorporated in the company’s activity, and in these difficult moments, the store remains close to communities and people who need special support. The company has organized many support actions all over the country, whose value is over 1.5 million lei:

- on 16 March, LINELLA gave a donation of 100,000 lei to Toma Ciorbă Hospital and 50,000 lei to the Municipal Emergency Clinical Hospital. These amounts were allocated to strengthen the capacity of the Moldovan healthcare system for disease prevention and treatment of patients;

- since the Linella store chain is present throughout the country and we understand the vulnerability of healthcare workers in the regions, from 23 March and for the entire period of lockdown, Linella provides 400 hot lunches daily to the medical staff of the substations of the Emergency Hospital in the northern region of the country;

- the company purchased abroad 15,000 N95 medical respirators and donated them to healthcare institutions to help protect medical staff and patients, and prevent the spread of the virus;

- on 5 April, LINELLA came to the aid of 500 socially vulnerable families and elderly people from the localities placed under lockdown and provided them with basic food products. These were dwellers of Soroca district, Ștefan Vodă district, village of Carahasani and village of Bălceana.

In addition to these solidarity actions, LINELLA has also taken a number of precautionary measures for ensuring safety and protection of employees and customers both in stores, warehouses and at its central office, such as:

- change of the store schedule: additional preventive measures have been taken for ensuring more safety in stores, so all Linella stores in the country operate until 22:00. Thus, the store is able to ensure the flow of goods and take the necessary hygiene and disinfection measures pertaining to the situation;

- granting access to the stores to a small number of people during periods when the stores are crowded;

- installation of protection screens at cash registers for the protection of staff and customers;

- floor marking in the area of cash registers to indicate the distance of at least 1 meter between the customers;

- sanitation and disinfection of common spaces and surfaces in the stores, every 2 hours;

- airing the stores several times a day, for 15-20 minutes;

- disinfectant solutions and protective gloves available at the entrance to the stores, to which both the store staff and customers have access;

- providing face masks for the store employees;

- providing the front-line employees with protective visors;

- recommending payments by card or phone;

- recommending responsible behavior by buying only the required quantity of products;

- recommending to avoid shopping during peak hours and long-term parking near the stores;

- recommending shopping of only one family member.

Although we are all going through an uncertain situation, the LINELLA management assures the employees that they will not suffer from salary reductions or job losses, in addition the work and effort of the front-line employees will be rewarded additionally.

Later, the LINELLA team will come up with other measures, all designed and intended to help the community, so that we can get through this period together.

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