Peas are very useful and are used in the preparation of many dishes. Due to the fact that it is endowed with a considerable amount of proteins, carbohydrates, contains potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and other necessary elements, it has a positive influence on the immune system, considerably improves brain activity, prevents the occurrence of cancer, reduces the feeling of fatigue, restores energy and lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. Green peas can be used at any time of the year!
Ingredients: green peas - 65%, salt, sugar, water
Values for 100g product:
Calories: 40 kcal
Carbohydrates: 6.5 g
Protein: 3.1 g
Vitamins, mg: b-carotene – 0.3, С – 10.0
Mineral substances, mg: K – 99, Ca – 20; Mg – 21, P – 62, Fe – 0.7
Validity period: 2 years